Panel, front, steel, wooden box version


Front panel, steel, wooden box model

36 in stock


Front panel, wooden box model

This steel panel was made according to the excellent drawings that Jean-Claude Buffet, F6EJU made of an original MK-VII.

Differences with respect to the cash-box model are:
– No power plug (non-detachable cable fed)
– Extra special type audio plug for Xtal earphones
– Antenna/earth and xtal sockets use “type B” sockets

Length: 216 mm or 8 1/2 ”
Width: 137.2 mm or 5 3/8 ”
Height: 14 mm

The steel panel is completely drilled. Builder needs to finish it: countersinking screw holes and (spray) paint the surface. Nickel plating is also possible.

The panel has a grey factory coating to avoid corrosion. The process with which this panel was made, is “water jet cutting”. It is similar to “laser cutting”, but no heat is involved.

Click the photos to have a better look.


Additional information

Weight 228 g


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