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New builder

Posted: 09 Jan 2021, 11:12
by fresto
Hi Guys,

I'm new here with the intention to build a Paraset. For the fun of building a true replica, as far as possible of course.
I'm not a ham, so I won't use it.
My interest comes from my activities as a researcher for the history of development of technical military projects and items.

I do realise that building a Paraset will consume a lot of time, especially when a near identical result will be desired.

Good luck to you all,


Re: New builder

Posted: 09 Jan 2021, 11:23
by Parasetguy
Hi Fred

Welcome to the forum and welcome to the world of the Paraset.
I wish you succes in your quest for a true replica. From experience I can tell you it is great fun, sometimes frustration but always a victory when you solved a problem.

You are welcome to profit from my experiences. You can read all on:

kind regards,
Henk - Parasetguy