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Another "sorta-done" replica

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 11:40
by Sa2clc
So, my take on the paraset is almost done.
Quite pleased.
Although no screenprint yet, I do like the basement nickel plating I put on the front panel.
Knobs are resin cast, copied from an original knob, Henk provided coil forms etc.
Have had a few qsos so far.
Still need to paint the cash box and make a power supply.

Oh, by the way. The italiano FT-171-b's paraset warehouse sells easliy grinds up to the 80m band.
Finished one yesterday, pulled it from 3380 to 3532khz. Keys well.

Re: Another "sorta-done" replica

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 12:24
by Parasetguy
Great to read that your replica turned out fine! Congratulations!
Cheers, Henk - Parasetguy

Re: Another "sorta-done" replica

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 18:38
by Sa2clc
A picture might be of interest :)