What is C3?

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What is C3?

Post by rftb_cowboy »

I am going to a hamlets tomorrow hoping to pick up most of the basic components for my Paraset build.
I am confused over the component C3 (at least thats the reference in the drawing I am using). It is connected to pin 3 of the 6V6. The drawing looks like a wire from pin 5 is wrapped around the wire from pin 3?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: What is C3?

Post by Parasetguy »

Hi Matt,

That's just what it is, a very small capacitor formed by a few twists around a wire.

Here you can just see it:
https://www.paraset.nl/aa/wp-content/up ... 24x571.jpg

Kind regards,
Henk - Parasetguy
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